All-road snow

A custom titanium bike according to you

Yes, that's our promise ! And we put all our know-how into customising your titanium MTBs, your gravel bikes ou de votre vélo de route.

At OBVIOUS, you're truly co-designer of your future custom titanium bike from the first time we meet to the first pedal strokes.

Our starting line are your expectations and needs, ensuring that every dimension, every feature and every technical solution is perfectly tailored to you.

A custom-built bikeis both a challenge and a privilege, because our mission is to ensure that you get maximum enjoyment from your very first ride !

Get a taste of the OBVIOUS experience with our custom-built titanium bikes tailored to your wishes !

Our achievements

Hoses total integration

Inserts for luggage on fork

Hoses total integration

Hoses total integration

Electronic transmission - suppression of routings

Electronic transmission - suppression of routings


Inserts for luggage on frame

Custom fit geometry

Component choice

Adaptation to your playground

ISCG05 Bash Guard

Your name, your signature


What are the OBVIOUS ON DEMAND customisation options ?


Level 1 :


Choose the components you want for your OBVIOUS bike.

This level of customisation is based on a standard size frame from our range. The components you choose are compatible with our frames without adaptation.


Benefits :

- The components you want, the ones you are used to or you want to try out.

- A simple way to have a bike that's out of the ordinary.

- You can choose more economical components.

Level 2 :


We adapt the frame of the bike you want.

You have requirements about your position or recommendations about your morphology.

You want to highlight certain characteristics for more in-depth use : go down even faster, be more stable, livelier, more comfortable...

You want to tackle new phases of your riding : travelling, extending distances...

You have a very precise idea about all or some of the characteristics of your frame and bike: fork angle, chainstay length, accessory requirements (additional bottle cage, luggage rack, etc.).


Benefits :

- It's hard to say everything here, because everyone has their own motivations. Position, behaviour, accessories,... there are plenty of reasons to choose OBVIOUS ON DEMAND.


This level of customisation is compatible with OBVIOUS ON DEMAND level 1.

Level 3 :


The freedom to choose a unique bike, not necessarily following the range that OBVIOUS offers in its catalogue.

Why not turn the enduro /OFF into a titanium trail bike, better able to cope with climbs and perhaps a bit slower on descents.

As a road rider, you want versatility. The dynamic behaviour of the gravel ON/OFF makes it a good base for your titanium all-road.


The freedom to choose your own components, not necessarily compatible with our standard bikes.

More fork travel on the /OFF, full internal cable routing, a telescopic seatpost on the ON/OFF, a wider wheel clearence,... It's up to you to draw up your own wish list.


Benefits :

- You take control of OBVIOUS ON DEMAND, and your imagination is the limit !


This level of customisation is compatible with OBVIOUS ON DEMAND levels 1 and 2.

If you don't understand everything, don't worry. A tailor-made titanium bike is not just a specialist's bike. Above all, it's a bike you want. So we're here to help you make the choices, ask the questions and find the answers that will make your OBVIOUS bike your very own.

Please note that there are things we won't be able to do if they are detrimental to your safety or the OBVIOUS image, or if there are technical incompatibilities.

Typical lead-time : between 3 and 5 months, depending on your expectations and the complexity of the project.

Level 1 :


0 €


This customisation is free ! We will only take into account price differences between the components and the initial configuration we propose. Up or down!

Level 2 :


720 €


We design a frame specifically to your requirements, and our partner adapts his tools to make it real.

Level 3 :




This level of customisation requires work and research to ensure that geometries and solutions are appropriate. Based on what we define together, we'll be able to put a price on your bike.

vélo titane sur mesure